FamilyHub HomePage

What is parental conflict?

Whether you're together or separated, conflict is a normal part of any parenting relationship. It only starts to become a problem when conflict is frequent, intense and poorly resolved. There is also strong evidence to show how parental conflict can have a significantly negative impact on children’s long-term outcomes.

Parental conflict may include:

  • A lack of warmth or emotional connection
  • Intense / regular arguments
  • Not listening / understanding others perspective
  • Not accepting the outcome of arguments
  • Parental conflict can affect children’s:

Mental health and happiness

  • Behaviour
  • Education / Employability
  • Physical Health
  • Relationships

Telford and Wrekin Council have collaborated with a range of organisations to provide practitioners and parents a range of resources, tools and training to identify and support parental conflict within families.

Learn more about the RPC programme


Parental conflict or domestic abuse?

Parental conflict and domestic abuse are two separate things. Domestic abuse is usually present when there is an imbalance of power and control, and one parent is fearful within the parenting relationship.

For help identifying domestic abuse view

Further support

Domestic violence and abuse | (Telford Link)


Telford & Wrekin Resources to support with parental conflict


Between Us App

This app is designed to benefit all parents whether you are together or separated, whether you are experiencing new areas of conflict or whether you have been arguing or disagreeing about something for a while. 

This resource is aimed at parents to use independently and/or with support from a practitioner

To read details and access the App (for families living in Telford) please use the link below

Between Us Flyer 

Or scan the QR code 

The Little Book of Relationships

This is a little guide that has been put together by the relationship experts at Amity. This was made so you can have a think about the relationship with your partner whether that be your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend. We want to support you to make your relationship stronger during difficult times. 

Please email Family Hubs ( to request a copy of this printed booklet.


Amity - The Relationship Toolkit for Professionals

This toolkit has been developed to support you in your everyday practice, building on the skills you already have when supporting children, young people, adults and families. This resource has been created by Amity using their subject matter experience in couple's therapy, family coaching and family mediation.

For further information on the Toolkit, or to arrange a training session for your Team or 1:1 session please email Family Hubs (



Amity - I CAN for dads

iCAN is a resource that has been developed specifically for parents and carers of children aged 0 -18. It is a strengthening relationship resource that will help you think about and reflect on your role as a parent or carer of a child aged 0-18 and how you can building a stronger relationship.

It is written in a solution focussed, simple format with language that most parents can easily relate to and understand. iCAN uses self-goal setting and action planning which has been shown to be very helpful in any behaviour change process.

You will work through iCAN with someone who has been trained to support you. This resource has been created specifically for Dads who are spending time with a child.

For further information on how to refer Dads to the iCan for Dads programme, please email Family Hubs

Amity Parenting Together and Parenting Apart

This booklet is designed to help you help yourself at the times when arguing and poor communication are overwhelming your co-parenting relationship.
Disagreeing and arguments are normal, co-parenting relationships often suffer from poor communication. You will always have things you disagree on, there will always be a next time and this booklet will help you to navigate the next time better.

Please click the link to download the Parenting Apart book 

This booklet is designed to help you help yourself at the times when arguing and poor communication are overwhelming your relationship.
Healthy relationships are healthy not because they have no arguments in them, but because you have worked out how to see each other’s point of view, own the impact of your behaviour on the other person and repair the situation in a meaningful way.

Please click the link to download the Parenting Together book 



Communicating Better—A booklet to take you through a few tools that you might find helpful to use when working with families. Communicating Better

Click here for more



Amity relationship Solutions

(Relationship Training For Professionals Working With Families (

Amity Relationships website has a range of video’s, blogs and most asked question's for both professionals and parents. Click here for more


Are you a parent going through separation?

Separating better is a brand new mobile app, which can help guide you through the separation process, find effective ways of co-parenting, and sort out disagreements, all with the wellbeing of your child in mind 


Separating better ( 

Separating Better on the App Store ( 

Separating Better – Apps on Google Play

Tavistock - Why we don’t Why we should and How we could -  A Short Guide to Working with Parents  



Tavistock - When Parents Separate: Getting it Right for the Children


See it differently videos

When we argue with our partner or ex-partner, we can get caught up in the heat of the moment. At times like these, it’s difficult to find a way forward. We want to help you see things differently, and do things differently. These videos will help you see different ways of arguing and resolving disputes.


Posters and Video’s

Parental Conflict Posters Teenagers Boy

Parental Conflict Posters Girl Door 

Parental Conflict Posters Young boy 

Parental Conflict Posters Posters Baby Girl